Mediamen must remain neutral: Inu


Terming mass media a ‘mirror of democracy’, Information Minister Hasanul Haq Inu on Saturday said it needs to be protected from the ‘wave of falsehood, distorted information and rumor’ to ensure the media’s due role towards the country and in strengthening democracy.
He said the mass media must remain transparent and active to play its due role maintaining objectivity and accountability towards the country, country’s security and to help implement country’s vision.
“You (media people) must remain neutral… but, in the name of neutrality, you can’t take the side of falsehood, rumor, Pakistan, militancy and military dictatorship,” said the Information Minister.
He made the remarks while speaking as chief guest at the inaugural session of the annual conference of the UNB (United News of Bangladesh) district correspondents at its conference room.
Former adviser to the caretaker government and former Editor of The Independent Mahbubul Alam and former Bureau Chief of the Associated Press (AP) Farid Hossain also spoke at the session, chaired by UNB Chairman Amanullah Khan.
