Media misquoted my speech: HT Imam


UNB, Dhaka :
Prime Minister’s Adviser HT Imam on Monday claimed his speech was represented ‘fragmentarily’ by a section of the media spreading a wrong message that he assured Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL) leaders of jobs in the civil service and conducting mobile courts during the January-5 polls.
“The main objective of my speech addressing the young students was academic and educational. But the appalling thing is that some newspapers and electronic media represented my remarks in a dissociating way using fragmentary phrases that the gist of my full remark has changed,” he told a press conference at Awami League president Sheikh Hasina’s Dhanmondi political office.
Earlier, on Wednesday, HT Imam, addressing a programme of BCL at Dhaka University reportedly said, “You just pass the written test, we’ ll see how much we can help you with the viva voce. Our leader (Sheikh Hasina) has told us to arrange jobs for you by any means.”
He also pointed out the advantage of having party men in the administration, and how the AL benefited from them.
“Days before the January-5 polls, many pro-Awami League officials were inducted into mobile courts that helped the government resist the BNP-Jamaat’s bid to thwart the election. They (pro-AL officials) stood beside us,” Imam said.
Speaking at yesterday’s press conference, HT Imam said, “I was not in the government when it went under the Election Commission for holding 10th parliamentary polls. So, there’s no question of conducting mobile courts.”
Imam continued, “But I discharged duties as the cochairman of Awami League election steering committee. We had informed the Election Commission and the administration in different constituencies about BNP-Jamaat’s effort to resist the polls. We sought remedy by raising allegations as per rules.
