Md. Rafiqul Hoque Bhuiyan, Head of Mobile Banking Division of Mercantile Bank Limited and Md. Nurun Nabi Bhuiyan, Chairman of Provita Group, exchanging an agreement signing document at the Bank’s premises recently. Md. Quamrul Islam Chowdhury, Managing Director, Mati Ul Hasan, Additional Managing Director and Md. Akteruzzaman Khan FCA, Chief Financial Officer of the Company, among others, were present.

Md. Rafiqul Hoque Bhuiyan, Head of Mobile Banking Division of Mercantile Bank Limited and Md. Nurun Nabi Bhuiyan, Chairman of Provita Group, exchanging an agreement signing document at the Bank's premises recently. Md. Quamrul Islam Chowdhury, Managing D
Md. Rafiqul Hoque Bhuiyan, Head of Mobile Banking Division of Mercantile Bank Limited and Md. Nurun Nabi Bhuiyan, Chairman of Provita Group, exchanging an agreement signing document at the Bank's premises recently. Md. Quamrul Islam Chowdhury, Managing D

