Masterda Surya Sen , hero of independent movement : Riva Ganguli

Chattogram Bureau :
Indian High Commissioner in Chattogram Ms Riva Ganguli said Masterda Surya Sen was the hero of independent movement of India. She said there is a friendly relations between India and Bangladesh and this brotherly relations will continue . Riva Ganguli feels proud for the active participation of the Indian Army in the liberation war of Bangladesh. Ms RivaGanguli disclosed it on Friday evening at Raozan College adjacent to Masterda Surya Sen Memorial premises recently . Riva Ganguli also attended the countdown opening ceremony of the birth centenary of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujinur Rahman at college groiund as chief guest. Chairman of the Parliamentalry Standing Committee on Ministry of Railway ABM FazleKarim Chowdhury MP was also present in it as special guest. The visiting Indian diplomat congratulated the local lawmaker Fazle Karim for inviting her at Raozan. She also thanked the people of Raozan for according him warm reception at Raozan.
The Indian diplomat recollected the political life of Bangabandhu . She also mentioned that Mujb Year will be the inspirations for the future generations . Ms. Riva also visited the fraternal house of Masterda Surya Sen at Noapara , Raozan in the afternoon and placed wreath at the memorial of MasterDa and later she garlanded the portrait of MasterDa located in front of Raozan Govt college . She also went round the Annada Tagore Adaiyapit Mandir in East guzra of Raozan Fazle Karim MP introduced the secretary of MasterDa Library and Smriti Memrial at Raozan shamal Palit with the Indian diplomat. Ms. Riva ganguli also addressed the inauguration ceremony of Mujib Year and countdown of birth centenary at college ground. Senior Awami League leaders, upazila chairman , upazila nirbahi officer and senior officials were present on the occasion.
