Mashrafe Bin Mortaza infected with coronavirus


Mashrafe Bin Mortaza has been infected with Covid-19 on Saturday.
 Confirming the information, family sources said he is undergoing treatment in Dhaka.
“Bhaia has been suffering from fever for two days. Covid-19 test was conducted on Friday and we got the result today. He has been found positive for the virus. Bhaia is now staying in isolation at home in Dhaka. Please pray for him,” Masrhafe’s younger brother Morsalin Bin Mortaza told UNB.
 Earlier on May 18, Mashrafe sold out his most favourite bracelet at Tk 42 lakh in an online auction for the treatment of Covid-19 patients.
 Bangladesh has so far reported 1,08,714 coronavirus cases and 1,425 deaths.

Source: UNB News
