Rupban Mura: Mark of undiscovered archaeological site in Comilla

UNB, Comilla :
Although various remains found in hillocks around Mainamati-Lalmai suggest ancient establishments, its source and history could not be founded due to lack of large-scale archeological excavation.
Excavation around the area began in 1955 by the then-Archeology and Museum department, that prioritised digging up Shalbon Mura, Kotila Mura and Charpotro.
A partial and experimental digging commenced at Rani’r Bungalow soon after, but digging of Rupban Mura and other hillocks began well after the independence.
From a guide book published by the publication wing of the cultural affairs ministry’s archeological department, it was found that following excavation in the 11m long Rupban Mura, located in the city’ s Kotbari area next to Kalir Bazar road, a temple, a bihar and two artifacts were dug from it in 1984, 1985 and 1986 respectively.
From those findings, existence of three separate historical periods was deduced.
The artifacts, made of bricks and mud, consisted of a temple which was 28.29m in length.
It was divided into two sections, the front part was a mandap and the rear was filled with statues.
The statues on the eastern part of the temple were divided into three compartments, one of which housed a Buddhist monument, which is currently on display at Comilla Museum.
Bronze remains were found in the other two compartments.
A revolving pathway bounded all four directions of the temple, which were elevated in the subsequent historical periods. 2.8m away from the entrance of the temple up to 11.66m into the temple lie two other artifacts.
One of them, situated in the north wing, is 7.47m by 7.47m, leads to a staircase.
It is completely surrounded by walls.
Another artifact was unearthed in the south-east wing, which is 34.62m by 24.22m in length.
It leads to another gateway, but existence of its destination is no more available.
Among other elements, there are a set of rock shilnoras, terracotta slabs, five gold coins, a bronze handle, three silver coins, steel nails and many more.
According to its genres, it can be deduced that these collections were from the 7th to 10th century AD period.