Maritime ports advised to lower signal


Maritime ports of Chittagong, Cox’s Bazar, Mongla and Payra have been advised to lower the signal as squally weather is unlikely over North Bay and adjoining coastal areas of Bangladesh, a met office weather bulletin said here on Thursday.
Earlier, the met office advised the maritime ports to hoist local cautionary signal number three from September 17-20, as a deep convection was taking place over the North Bay.
Besides, a met office press release said light to moderate rain or thundershowers accompanied by temporary gusty wind is likely to occur at a few places over Dhaka, Mymensingh, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Khulna, Barisal, Chittagong and Sylhet divisions with moderately heavy falls at places over the country in the next 24 hours ending at 9 am today.
Day temperature may rise slightly and night temperature may remain nearly unchanged over the country.
Maximum temperature on Wednesday was recorded 33.5 degree Celsius at Rajshahi and Thursday’s minimum temperature 24.5 degree Celsius at Rangamati in Chittagong division.
