Manzoor -Anis hold talks on water-logging problem


Chittagong Bureau :
Minister for Water Resources Barrister Anisul Islam Mahmud and the City Mayor Manzoor Alam hold talks on water logging in the city during rainy reason at VIP lounge of Chittagong International Airport yesterday morning.
The city mayor sought cooperation for mitigating the water logging problems in the city and urged the Minister to look into the matter of this cronic problems since long. The Minister gave patient hearing to the grievances of the city mayor and assures him for utmost cooperation of the govt in this prolong matter of the city corporation . Among others senior officials of CCC and AL leaders were present on the occasion.
 Mentionable that the Minister came from Dhaka by air at Chittagong Port and was taking rest at vip lounge , on the other hand City Mayor also waiting in the lounge for onward journey to Dhaka. With this opportunity of meet, City Mayor told this problems for positive measures to the Miinister, sources said.
