Mandatory dope tests yet to implement due to insufficient lab facilities


Though the government has decided to make dope tests mandatory for all public and private recruitment, and even for university admissions, but due to insufficient test facilities in the laboratories, the initiative has almost failed. The government has already formulated a draft of the rules in this regard, and once the rules are enacted, even a salesperson of a shop will require a negative dope test result to get a job. Public transport drivers are also required to submit a negative dope test, while aircraft pilots also require the same test result for getting licences.
The draft dope test rules, formulated in light of the Narcotics Control Act 2018 (Amended 2020), had been sent to the Law Ministry for vetting. The ministry, however, returned it to the Home Ministry a couple of months ago, suggesting to increase lab facilities first before enacting rules. Following the law ministry’s observation, DNC has undertaken a project to build 22 dope-testing labs all over the country. DNC is currently conducting dope tests at its Central Drug Addiction Treatment Centre in the capital’s Tejgaon, with a daily capacity of testing 60 to 70 people. It now tests all who are recruited in the department. It also tests people from other organisations on demand.
Police have already initiated the process of testing all recruits and other members suspected to be addicted to drugs. In the last two years, 106 members of Dhaka Metropolitan Police have lost jobs for failing the dope test. Besides, negative test reports from government-affiliated hospitals or laboratories have been made mandatory by Bangladesh Road Transport Authority to get or renew professional driving licences. There is no legal bar for any government or private organisation to conduct tests, although there are no rules.
Due to the geographical location, Bangladesh lies in the golden triangle and is used as en route to the regional drug and narcotics smuggling. It is no doubt the government’s initiatives to introduce dope test in all public spheres is time-worthy. To implement in no time, the institutions involved in diagnosis should work perfectly with the dope test, we believe, then the system can be effective as the goodwill of the government.
