Man to die for killing wife in Khulna

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UNB, Khulna :

A court in Khulna on Sunday sentenced a man to death for killing his wife in 2020.
The convict is Rafiq Sheikh of Fakirhat upazila in Bagerhat district. The court also fined him Tk 50,000.
The court also sentenced Rafiq to seven years imprisonment under another section of the case and fined him Tk 25,000, in default, to suffer one year more rigorous imprisonment.
Khulna District and Sessions Judge Mashiur Rahman Chowdhury handed down the verdict.
According to the prosecution, Mariam Begum, 25 of Fakirhat upazila got married to Rafiq in 2017 and the couple used to fight over family .
Rafique used torture Mariam suspecting that she had extramarital affair.
Rafique took Mariam to a betel leaf field where he killed her hitting with a brick and set her ablaze by pouring kerosene on August 12, 2020.
Police recovered the charred body of Mariam, two days after the incident on August 15.
Halima Begum, mother of the victim, lodged a complaint with Rupsha Police Station.
A case was filed against four people in this connection.
On December 31, 2020, police submitted a chargesheet accusing Rafique.
After examining the records and 15 witnesses, Khulna District and Sessions Judge handed down the verdict.
