Man taken on remand over Gulshan Café attack


Court Correspondent : The Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (CMM) Court of Dhaka on Tuesday placed caretaker Daud Patwary on a two-day remand to interrogate him in connection with his alleged involvement in the militant attack on a Gulshan restaurant last month. Magistrate Nurun Nahar Yeasmin of CMM Court passed the order after Gulshan Police Station’s Counter Terrorism Unit Inspector Humayun Kabir produced Daud Patwary in the court seeking a seven-day remand to quiz him in connection with the militant activities.On Tuesday morning police arrested Daud from a house of Rupnagar residential area of Mirpur. He has been working as a caretaker of a house at Rupnagar. He reportedly rented house to some militants, who allegedly carried out the attack on the Artisan restaurant of Gulshan on July 1.
