Man punched to death in city

UNB, Dhaka :
A rickshaw puller was killed after a man jabbed him over the repayment of a loan in Mominbagh area of Kamrangirchar on the outskirts of the capital early Monday.
The deceased was identified as Nabi Hossain, 32, son of Abdul Motaleb, hailing from Jamalganj upazila in Sunamganj district. Sub-inspector Bacchu Miah, in-charge of Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) police camp, said Nabi borrowed Tk 1,000 from one Nuruzzaman of the area and repaid TK 200 hundred later.
On Monday, Nabi locked into altercation
with Nuru in the area around 5am. At one stage, Nuru punched Nabi, leaving him unconscious. Later he was taken to DMCH where doctor declared him dead. Police arrested Nuru in this connection.