Man held for hurting religious sentiments

Staff Reporter :
Detective Branch (DB) of Police arrested a man from the city’s Paltan area during the small hours of Wednesday night on charge of instigating people’s religious sentiment through his posts on social media platform.
Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Deputy Commissioner Md Muntasirul Islam told the reporters in a press briefing at DMP Headquarters in the city on Wednesday that the name of the arrested man is SM Sakhawat Hossain.
Sakhawat was trying to create chaos between the Muslim and the Buddhist
communities through his posts on Facebook, the police executive said.
The DC said, “We think that he had been aggravated by the photographs of various incidents around the world and those which projected evidences of tortures inflicted on the Muslims in Myanmar.”
“During interrogation under Police custody, Sakhawat said that he was unable to tolerate the tortures inflicted on the Muslims in Myanmar by the Buddhists. That is why he propelled the campaign against them on self-motivation. He would continue to collect various images by himself and post them.”
The DC said that Police would try to know who were funding the online portal to nurture communal hatred.
A case has been filed under the information and communication technology act with Paltan police against the ‘so-called editor of an online news portal’, he said.
Meanwhile, DMP Joint Commissioner Monirul Islam pointed out that 10-12 news portals were trying to incite communal hatred in Bangladesh and that they were keeping close watch on their activities.
 “Even if someone likes or shares these ‘hate’ pictures without understanding their effect, it would be treated as a crime. But if someone is tagged and the post appears on their page, it won’t be a crime.” He urged the internet users to be careful about such content.
Investigations into the 2012 attack on the Buddhist community in Cox’s Bazar’s Ramu revealed that materials inciting religious hatred were posted on social media before the attack.
The content was used to support communal hatred and were used to incite Muslims to attack Buddhists and Hindus. Allegations of Rohingya involvement in the Ramu violence also surfaced.