Man gets life term for raping 4-year-old girl in Dhaka


Staff Reporter :
A tribunal in Dhaka sentenced a man to life term imprisonment ton Thursday, for raping a four-year-old girl in Nawabganj in 2018.
Judge Tabassum Islam of the Fourth Tribunal for Prevention of Women and Children Repression of Dhaka verdict in presence of the lone accused, Sunil Bairagi (42).
The tribunal also fined him Tk 50,000, in default of which, he will suffer six more months in jail.
Earlier, the prosecution and defence completed their arguments and the tribunal recorded statements of 10 prosecution witnesses, including the complainant of the case.
In her judgment, the judge said the prosecution was able to prove the charges of raping the victim undoubtedly and the accused deserved the highest punishment for his involvement with committing such offences, the judge added.
According to the prosecution, the accused, around 5:30pm on November 30, 2018, lured the victim out from a nearby house and raped her.
After hearing her screams, locals caught the accused and handed him over to police. They also took the victim to Dhaka Medical College and Hospital for treatment.
Later,the victim’s mother filed a case against Sunil with Nawabganj Police Station. Police on April 16 last year pressed charges against the accused in the case.
The tribunal framed charges against the accused on August 18 the same year.
