Man found murdered

A Correspondent :
A man was found murdered under a culvert over a dried up canal in Chittagong city’s Ambagan on Saturday morning.
Md Ashraf, 28, was a staff of a transport company in the city’s Madarbari.
The family identified the body of Ashraf whose entire face was burnt, said Nizam Uddin, officer-in-charge of Khulshi Police Station.
He was the main accused in a murder case filed with the station in 2014, claimed the OC.
Around seven miscreants started beating Ashraf calling him a thief while he was sitting at a Madarbari tea stall earlier on the day, Nizam quoted the family as saying. Later, the gang left the spot after taking him on a motorcycle, he said.
The family claimed that he was murdered by the culprits of Khulshi area over previous enmity, said the OC.
The body was sent to Chittagong Medical College Hospital morgue for an autopsy. The OC said they were investigating the matter.
