Man dies at DMCH after setting himself afire in custody

UNB, Gazipur :
A man, who reportedly set himself on fire at Sadar police station lockup here on Saturday night, died at Dhaka Medical College and Hospital on Sunday.
The deceased was identified as Mashiur Rahman, an accused in a human trafficking case and son of Abdul Khaleque, a resident of Holydhani village under Jhenidah sadar upazila.
Samir Chandra Sutradhar, officer-in-charge of Sadar Police Station, said Mashiur set himself alight with a match stick around 10pm on Saturday.
Later, he was rushed to the burn unit of Shaheed Tajuddin Ahmad Medical College Hospital and soon shifted to Dhaka Medical College Hospital where he died early Sunday.
However, police arrested Mashiur on November 14 while he was allegedly trying to snatch away a minor boy from the Shaheed Tazuddin Ahmad Medical College Hospital area.