Malala warns of edn gap for Syrian refugees

BBC Online :
Campaigner Malala Yousafzai has called for more to be done to educate millions of Syrian refugee children displaced within the country and its neighbours.
Nearly half the roughly four million children displaced in the region are not in school, according to a new report by the Malala Fund. They risk becoming a “lost generation”, Ms Yousafzai warned.
The BBC’s Lyse Doucet was given exclusive access to the report ahead of its release on Friday.
Ms Yousafzai, who was shot in the head by the Taliban after campaigning for education for girls in Pakistan, has been raising awareness of the lack of education for Syrian refugees. A growing number of Syrian girls are already teenage brides, or working in farms and factories, our chief international correspondent reports from the Jordanian capital, Amman.
Major donors are under pressure from Syria’s neighbouring countries to provide substantial long-term support if they wish to convince Syrian families to stay in the region instead of heading to Europe.
“It’s time for the world to match their commitment to get every Syrian child back in school,” Malala Yousafzai told me in an email.
The 18 year-old campaigner for children’s rights will be attending the London Conference with 17-year-old Syrian education activist Muzoon Almellehan, whose family recently settled in the UK.
“My generation is not lost,” she insists. But the longer Syrian children stay out school, the greater the risk they will not return.