Maintain law, order with an iron fist: CEC


Staff Reporter :
Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) KM Nurul Huda on Saturday gave instruction to the law enforcing agencies to maintain the law and order situation with an iron fist if there is any incident of violence on the election day.
“I’m directing the members of law enforcement agencies of all levels to guarantee a safe atmosphere for all. If any violent situation appears or act of sabotage occurs, I’m directing you to curb those with an iron hand,” he said.
If any quarter tries to create anarchy at polling stations, on-duty law enforcers will have to control it, the CEC said in a briefing at the Media Centre of Nirbachon Bhaban.
He also warned if anything (violence and irregularity) takes place any where due to negligence and inaction of the members of law enforcement agencies, action will be taken against all of them through investigations.
Citing media reports published on Saturday that the agents of many candidates were being harassed in various ways, K. M. Nurul Huda said, “It’s not expected.”
“Police will neither arrest nor harass any agent unless there’s specific charge of criminal offence against him or her. They (agents) will have to be given full security in performing the election duty,” he said.
As the polling agents have huge responsibilities, the CEC urged them not to leave the polling stations in any way until they get the election result sheets in their hands. “If anyone illegally asks them to leave the polling booths, seek help of magistrates or law enforcement agencies,” he said.
On the conclusion of the balloting, the presiding officer concerned will start counting votes inside the polling station in the presence of agents of candidates, journalists and others concerned and hand over a result sheet to every agent, said K. M. Nurul Huda.
He urged all the officers engaged in election activities to perform their responsibilities going beyond the partisan views. “Be careful so that no candidate is deprived of just rights and the election is not questionable only because of your role,” he added.
“I request all political parties, candidates and supporters to show patience and respect to each other so that the competition doesn’t turn violent,” the CEC said.
He said that they noticed with sorrow that there had been violence and loss of lives and property during the election campaign, which was unwanted.
K. M. Nurul Huda asked the authorities concerned to investigate the criminal offences and take legal actions against those responsible for the incidents. “I would like to request all the election stakeholders to maintain the competitive environment shunning violence,” he said.
Terming the election ‘inclusive’, he said all the registered political parties are participating in the election and a total of 1,861 candidates are there in the race. “A competitive situation has been created in the election,” he said, adding that a festive and enthusiastic mood prevails across the country.
