Maggie: Engaging zombie film

Maggie is director Henry Hobson’s debut film. It is
a no-frills family drama enveloped in mystery
and horror.
Set in the post-apocalyptic world, where the inhabitants are infected by the Necroambulist virus that turns people into zombies, this is an emotional saga
of a father-daughter
relationship, where Wade (Arnold Schwarzenegger), a farmer and a loving father. wants to protect his daughter Maggie (Abigail Breslin) from becoming
a flesh eater.
Maggie gets infected with the disease while she is staying in the city, away from her family. Aware that this fatal disease is going to consume her, she calls her father to bid him her final goodbye.
Instead, Wade lands up
in the city and after a two-week search, he finds her in the early stages of
infection. He brings her back to their farmland, to nurse her but not before being admonished by the authorities that she will
be quarantined, in case her symptoms become worse.
The film is fraught with tension and sorrow as the family bides their time waiting for the inevitable. Her step-siblings are sent away from home as a
precaution of
unwarranted events.