Madhumoti erosion threatens primary school in Narail

Charsuchile Government Primary School in Lohagarah upazila of Narail is at risk as erosion along the Madhumoti River takes a serious turn.
Several hundred people in Pankharchar, Charsuchile and Charparanpur villages along the river are passing their days amid fear of river erosion for the last several days. Already one acre and ten decimal lands of the school premises have been gobbled up by the mighty river.
During a recent visit to the school, it was seen that the school building is at high risk and it might be gone into the river anytime.
Kallol Fakir, a resident of Charsuchail village, said: “The people living along the river banks of three villages are at risk of losing everything. Already many trees and lands have been eaten up by the river in the last several years.”
He demanded immediate steps from the local administration to stop erosion otherwise many people would become homeless.
Munshi Quamruzzaman, headmaster of Charsuchail Government Primary School, said he joined the school ten years ago. “At first there were 200 student but many left the school following river erosion. Now the academic activity of the school is running with 110 students.”
The playground of the school has already gone into the river which is now 10 feet away from the tin-roof school building, he said adding that the students were attending classes riskimg their lives
He demanded immediate steps by the local administration for saving the school.
According to Narail Water Development Board office, a project involving Tk 2 crore was taken to save the primary school last year. Work on 170-meter along the river bank was completed to stop river erosion which failed to play any effective role.