Lowest daily Covid cases in 19 months


News Desk :
Bangladesh has logged 151 new Covid cases in a single day, the lowest since Apr 12, 2020, raising the total caseload to 1,572,278
The death toll from the disease rose by six in the 24 hours to 8 am on Saturday to 27,918, according to the latest government data, reports bdnews24.com
Dhaka recorded the most cases among the eight divisions, logging 105 infections. It also registered the most fatalities, with three.
Nationwide, another 192 people recovered from the illness, bringing the total number of recoveries to 1,536,303.
As many as 13,569 samples were tested across the country, for a positivity rate of 1.11 percent. The latest figures put the recovery rate at 97.71 percent and the mortality rate at 1.78 percent. Globally, over 252.55 million people have been infected by the novel coronavirus and 5.08 million have died, according to a tally by Johns Hopkins University. Infections have been reported in more than 210 countries and territories since the first cases were identified in China in December 2019.
