Local leader shot dead as Indian Kashmir votes

AFP, Srinagar :
Suspected rebels have shot dead a village head in Indian Kashmir, police said Monday, a day before a second stage of voting in the tense Muslim-majority state.
Security is tight across the region, where thousands of extra paramilitary troops have been deployed during local elections, which are being held in five stages.
The killing occurred late Sunday, the day after a grenade attack injured eight people near a paramilitary bunker in Srinagar, the main city of the disputed region which is also claimed by Pakistan.
Police said Abdul Rashid Bhat, an elected leader of Nazneenpora village, 60 kilometres (37 miles) south of Srinagar, died on the spot.
“He was intercepted by militants outside his house and shot dead,” superintendent of police Wahid Shah told AFP.
Turnout was high for the first phase of voting last Tuesday, when more than 70 percent of the electorate cast their ballots in 15 constituencies. The state of Jammu and Kashmir will vote in five phases, with results due on December 23.