List from KL shows 716 self-claimed Bangladeshis

Verification soon

Staff Reporter :
The government has obtained a list of 716 self-claimed Bangladeshi nationals rescued in Malaysia.
 “Our High Commission in Kuala Lumpur has sent a list of 716 self-claimed Bangladeshi nationals rescued in Malaysian to the foreign and home ministries to verify their nationality,” Ashud Ahmed, Director General, South East Asia Wing, told The New Nation on Monday.
He said the home ministry would verify their nationality whether they are Bangladeshis or not.
“The Home Ministry will now check and recheck to know about the identity of rescued people through the respective district police administration,”  
said Ashud Ahmed.
He said after confirming their nationality, the Foreign Ministry will arrange their repatriation.
Ashud Ahmed said the Kuala Lumpur mission received the list on Friday and later gathered information about the rescued Bangladeshis, including their names, fathers’ names and their districts.
When asked about the possible time of the repatriation, the DG for South East Asia Wing said everything depends on the completion of the Home Ministry’s verification.
The rescued Bangladeshis have been kept in Kedah detention centre along with the rescued Rohingyas.