Light to moderate rain with gusty wind likely


Light to moderate rain or thunder showers accompanied by temporary gusty wind is likely to occur at most places over the country in 24 hours as of 9 am today.
It is likely to occur at most places over Barishal, Chattogram and Khulna divisions and at many places over Rangpur, Rajshahi, Dhaka, Sylhet and Mymensingh divisions with moderately heavy to heavy falls at places over the country, said a met office press release here on Thursday. However, mild to moderate heat wave is sweeping over Rangpur and Sylhet divisions and the regions of Dhaka, Mymensingh, Chandpur, Rajshahi and Bogura and it may abate in 24 hours ending at 9 am today, the release added. Day and night temperature may fall by 1-2 degree Celsius over the country during the period.
The maximum temperature was recorded 39.1 degrees celsius on Friday at Sayedpur in Rangpur division and Thursday’s minimum temperature 25.2 degrees celsius at Sandwip in Chattogram division.
