Light to moderate rain likely


Light to moderate rain or thundershowers and lightning flashes is likely to occur at many places over the country in next 24 hours till 9 am today.
A weather bulletin of Met Office said it may occur light to moderate rain and lightning flashes over Rajshahi, Khulna, Barishal, Dhaka, Mymensingh and Sylhet divisions and at a few places over Rangpur and Chattogram divisions with moderately heavy falls and hails at isolated places over the country.
The highest rainfall in the last 24 hours as of 6 am on Thursday was recorded 43 mm at Netrokona in Mymensingh division.
The maximum temperature was recorded 36.6 degrees celsius on Wednesday at Jashore in Khulna division and Thursday’s minimum temperature 19.8 degrees Celsius at Sylhet in Sylhet division.
