Let leaders uphold greatness of Bangabandhu


THE nation mourns the 40th Shahadat Anniversary of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman today with solemnity throughout the country. He was assassinated with almost all of his family members in the city in the early hours of the day. Some of his closest relatives were also killed on this occasion. It was a night of massacre. Bangabandhu is the towering leader of the Bengali nation who along with many other leaders of Awami League motivated and united the whole people for their democratic rights and freedom. The founder of Awami League as the democratic opposition Mr Suhrawardy was his mentor and leader. After his death Sheikh Mujib led the democratic movement into a struggle for independence from Pakistan.  From a student leader he rose to eminence as a leader of the masses to transform the deprivation of the people of the then East Pakistan to a major political cause through the historic Six-point Programme.Though Sheikh Mujib was in prison in Pakistan when the nation fought the nine-month long Liberation War, but his historic speech on March 7 at Race Course, now Suhrawardy Uddyan, instilled the unflinching courage and unity in the masses transforming the political struggle into a struggle for freedom for the Bengali nation. Brutality of Pakistan army antagonised the whole nation. India’s military involvement hastened the process of liberation of the country. But physical absence of Bangabandhu, created problem of leadership for political direction of our Liberation War. Still now our politics is confused. But his love for his people and honesty should be the ideals for any worthy leader who aspire to lead the people and run the country. He expressed openly his fight against corruption and make Bangladesh free from the grip of the corrupt ones. Yet politics of Bangladesh is now steeped in corruption.  It is not enough to show admiration for Bangabandhu without being a follower of his love for people and honesty in public affairs. We remember Bangabandhu as a great leader of the masses who believed in serving the people honestly. But those who use Bangabandhu’s name only to do exactly the opposite are not helping to uphold the greatness of this great leader. 
