Leave country if don`t believe in Lib War, says DG of RAB

UNB, Brahmanbaria :
Director General of Rapid Action Battalion (Rab) Benazir Ahmed on Monday observed that those who do
not believe in the Liberation War may leave the country.
“We’ll be fine without you. We don’t need shameless people,” he said
 while addressing the closing ceremony of a quiz contest on the Liberation War and a child-juvenile festival in the district town.
District unit of the country’s largest child and juvenile organisation, Khelaghar, organised the event.
Noting that the country’s 16 crore people cannot be defeated with a few local weapons and bombs, the Rab chief urged the militants, who chose this path either willingly or unwillingly, to return to their mothers’ laps. “All together will turn your dream into a nightmare,” he said.
He also said people now have stood against militancy. “Together with people, militancy will be rooted out from the country the same way JMB was purged in 2004,” he said.