OPINION: Law and society closely interlinked

Ensuring proper legal norms all around India


Sujayendra Das :
In India legal norms are always attached top priorities. Every year when the parliamentary session is in full swing then we find ruling party passes different types of legal norms and bills so that the common citizens at least receive the basic minimum legal rights then only our social and political systems is set out in the right direction. India is a vast nation with around 135 crores population along with 29 states and 9 union territories based in her different regions. In the span of 71 years and more we find that development no doubt has taken place but the ratio of demand in relation of massive populations we find that development has not reached as per expectations.
So we witness that proper legal norms are not strictly adhered to rather arise scrambling by individuals to achieve personal goals which in the ultimatum leads to legal skirmishes. Thus on account of legal skirmishes we find that there arise improper use of legal norms by certain sections of Indian populace. On account of the above we find that opponents especially the opponents of us are badly sidetracked ensuring victory for one sections contrarily opponents are badly scathed out from competitive scenarios. Thus all over India it should be the humble task for every Indian citizen to ensure proper legal judgement for all sections of the country’s populace.
In the case of legal judgment we find that there arises discrimination between richer sections, upper middle sections vs lower middle sections and poorer sections of Indian populace. This has to be erased off completely from the threshold of Indian societies forever. It is the tasks of all citizens along with government of India to wipe out all legal and social discriminations then only our social and political systems will reach to decent heights. Thus in the subsequent paragraphs it is my humble task to analyze deeply on how to ensure proper legal norms and reestablish credence in Indian social and political culture.
How to establish proper legal norms all around India?
India is a vast nation with massive population pressure as its present Indian population has touched around 135 crores. On account of this buregeoning population we find that there arise massive social and political discriminations which ultimately leads to improper legal norms. In this regard intelligentsia all around India are deeply aggrieved about discrimination of legal and social judgement which badly retards the growth of Indian societies and cultures. However there are some ways and means by which we are able to establish proper legal norms all over India, of which some of the common ones are stated as follow:
Development of Indian social and cultural milieus:
Development of legal culture which is inclusive of all kinds of legal and social parapharnalias; Importance of transparency in order to deliver equal services of all kinds among all types of societies; We must ensure equivalent legal judgements among all kinds of societies; Conflicts among people to be avoided; We should avoid cheating habits upon innocent citizens of India; and Lok Pal should be properly strengthened.
Leaving aside the above discourse we should not forget to highlight that in order to ensure proper legal norms we must aim equality of all basic norms to people of all sections of Indian populace. In this regard we need to give special focusing upon poor and deprived sections of Indian populace. But in order to gel the piece more deeply we must analyze deeply the relationship between Law and Society.
In the modern Indian societal perspectives we find that Law and Society are closely interlinked. The thought processes are quite logical. Without adhering to the basic tenets of Law we feel our society remains totally in darkness. That is why in today’s India, we evince with utter sorrow that those who adhere to legal norms they are on the safer side those not they tend to land up into utter doldrums. Despite the awareness of importance of Law till date there are some sections of Indian populace who tend to lead lackadaisical lives which ultimately land up the above into deep potholes. So civil societies as well as rational cum analytical minded citizens of India should always emphasize upon macro part of Indian populations to strictly adhere to basic tenets of law otherwise entire system will turn to utter jeopardy.
Advantages of ensuring legal norms all over India:
There are various advantages being associated in regard to ensuring legal norms all over India. Some of the common ones among the above are stated as follow: *Law plays an important part in shaping up the societal norms. * Basic tenets of Law enacted in the Indian Constitution always aim to establish credence in Indian legal norms. * Law plays an agent of social change and modernization. * Law is an effective mode of bringing about social change of national level India as well as in all 29 States and 9 Union territories of the country.
Basic tenets of Indian Law always motivate the citizens to rise above parochial means so as to uplift the society from a State of utter doldrums to a state of enlightenment. As the entire globe is undergoing sea changes so it is high time for India and her citizens to ensure proper legal norms along with modern social systems. This is also a motivating factor to upgrade our positions in the International arenas too. Last but not the least political interference should be eradicated forever to ensure proper legal norms in India.
(Sujayendra Das writes from Kolkata, India)
