Krishi Bank files certificate cases against 200 farmers in Gafargaon


Gafargaon (Mymensingh) Correspondent :
Over 200 farmers have fled away in the full Irri -Boro season as certificate cases have been filed against them by the Krishi Bank at Gafargaon in Mymensingh and panic has been prevailing among their family members of farmers.
Sources said, this year the Boro cultivation target has been fixed on 20 thousand 836 hectres of land but because of warrant arrest of certificate case fugitive farmers don`t get the opportunity of cultivating of their land.
The target has been hampered due to this.
Fugitive farmer of Charmoslonda village in Gaforgaon Upazila .
 Farmer Abul Hossain said that it was not possible to pay loan of Tk 1 lakh 16 thousand 9 hundred 81 TK at a time.At one stage the Bank filed certificate cases to realize the loan. In this situation without finding no other way, he has fled away from home.
Abu Syeed of this village informed, he sold a cow to pay the loan by installment.But the Manager did not take the loan installment and has filed a certificate case against him.
