King Salman Humanitarian Aid & Relief Center’s aid for Rohingya


Desk Report :
The King Salman Humanitarian Aid & Relief Center continues to implement its project to secure 15 fifteen thousand baskets for the benefit of the Rohingya refugees in the Ukhia camp in Cox’s Bazar, as part of its large project, which is fully funded and is currently implemented to help refugees and poor families in their host country in Bangladesh in order to alleviate their suffering, and in support of the 2020 Rapid Response Plan for their humanitarian crisis, said a press release.
The Muslim World League undertakes the implementation aspect of the project in full coordination with each of the NGOs department in the Council of Ministers, disaster management, refugees and repatriation in Bangladesh.
The food baskets contain the basic items that refugee families depend on.
Many officials and beneficiaries have expressed their happiness and joy at the arrival of these food baskets, which came at the right time for them and released them from the distress of want and need, especially in light of the Corona epidemic and the great threat that effects to their health.
All expressed their sincere thanks and appreciation for the efforts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia whose white hands are on all the poor around the world.
Mentionable that this project comes as an extension of previous projects that the Kingdom has been providing through the King Salman Relief Center to alleviate the effects of poverty and the challenges of receiving refugees in their host countries and provide everything possible to improve their standard of living in light of the difficult conditions in which they live, and it had a great impact inside Bangladesh and earned the respect and appreciation of Bangladeshi government officials and the international community.
