Khamenei receives Covid vaccine


Al Jazeera :
Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Hosseini Khamenei has received a dose of the country’s first locally developed Covid-19 vaccine.
Khamenei on Friday called the development of the vaccine a point of “national pride”. “Some insisted from a while ago that I use a vaccine,” the 82-year-old, who has had a string of previous health problems, said after receiving the first dose of the jab called COVIran Barekat.
“I didn’t want to use a non-Iranian vaccine. I said we will wait until, inshallah, the local vaccine is produced and we can use our own vaccine,” he said. The supreme leader had in January outlawed the use of United States and United Kingdom-made vaccines, notably those developed by Pfizer and Moderna, as he said they “cannot be trusted”.
Human trials on the COVIran Barekat vaccine began in late December and about 24,000 volunteers received jabs as part of its third phase of trials that recently concluded.
