Khaleda’s trial process part of AL’s ‘election project’: BNP

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP senior leader Amir Khasru Mahmud Chowdhury on Friday said the trial of the cases filed against their chairperson Khaleda Zia is being held as part of the government’s ‘election project’ to cling to power keeping her out of the election race.
“The under trial cases against Khaleda Zia are a major part of Awami League’s election project. The main motive behind the project is to keep our leader out of the next election. It’s also their process to grab power again,” he said. The BNP leader came
up with the remarks while speaking at a discussion at Dhaka Reporters’ Unity (DRU) arranged by Desh Bachao Manush Bachao Andolan.
Khasru, a BNP standing committee member, said people will not accept if their chairperson is convicted in the graft cases as she has no connection with the allegation brought against her.
He urged the government to shelve its plan to restore ‘one-party rule’ and make Khaleda ineligible for polls by convicting her in the ‘false’ cases using the court.
“You’ll have to pay a heavy price if you follow the rough path as the people of Bangladesh have decided to make 2018 as a year of democracy, freedom of expression, the rule of law and restoration of civic rights,” the BNP leader observed. About the results of the recently held election to Rangpur City Corporation, he said Awami League experienced 60 percent fall in its vote base while BNP gained a 40 percent rise in its vote in the polls. Khasru said the declining trend of Awami League’s vote ratio indicates that the party will suffer a massive debacle in the next general election if it is held in a fair and credible manner.
He said Jatiya Party mayoral candidate won the polls as Rangpur is a stronghold of the party. “All major parties have such pockets where their party will come out successful.”