Khaleda undergoes medical tests at BSMMU


Staff Reporter :
BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia on Thursday underwent few medical tests at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University as per the recommendations of the medical board formed for her treatment.
Khaleda Zia was taken to the ground floor from her cabin on the sixth floor of the hospital, for the tests.
Brigadier General Abdullah Al Harun, Director (hospital) of BSMMU, said physicians conducted lung, chest, City Scan and some other tests as part of her regular health check-up. On October 6, Khaleda Zia was admitted to the BSMMU per the court directives.
The High Court asked the government on October 4 to admit Khaleda Zia to the BSMMU without delay and to form a medical board for her medical treatment.
Khaleda Zia has been serving a sentence in the old Dhaka Central Jail on the Nazimuddin Road since February 8 in a graft case.
On September 16, a medical board formed by the government suggested to admit Khaleda Zia in a hospital like BSMMU.
On the other hand, the BNP repeatedly demanded to admit her to United Hospital or any other specialized private hospital in the capital for her better treatment.
But the government said, they were ready to admit Khaleda Zia to government hospital like BSMMU, and finally they did it.
