She may apply for parole: Home Minister: Khaleda prefers only United Hospital for treatment: BNP


Staff Reporter :
Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal said on Thursday at his Secretariat office in the city that if Begum Khaleda Zia apply for release on parole for better treatment the government will consider it and take steps as per the jail code.
The Home Minister said she can also take treatment at BSMMU hospital or CMH Hospital as they have earlier suggested. In that case Begum Zia’s personal physicians may also get involved.
On possibility of her release on parole the home minister said the government has not received any such application for Begum Zia. He however said as per jail code there are also some restrictions for a prisoner for taking treatment at any hospital.
The home minister made the comment apparently after a statement by senior lawyer and
BNP vice chairman Khandker Mahbub Hossain demanding release of Begum Zia on parole for better treatment.
But BNP senior joint secretary Ruhul Kabir Rizvi has immediately ruled out such demand saying it is not from the party or the family.
They want her treatment at United Hospital and Begum Zia feels comfortable there. Meanwhile the Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA), dominated by pro-BNP lawyers, also demanded yesterday in a statement that the government should immediately send BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia to specialised United Hospitals for her treatment as she wishes it. “Khaleda Zia was the prime minister of the country for three times. She has a right to get treatment. She should be provided treatment as she wishes,” SCBA President Zainul Abedin said while speaking at a press conference at the SCBA auditorium in Dhaka this afternoon.
Advocate Zainul said the lawyers are anxious with the health of Khaleda Zia.
The SCBA president disagreed with Khandker Mahbub Hossain’s demand for her release on parole.
Zainul, also a vice chairman of BNP, said Khandker Mahbub Hossain’s statement for the release of Khaleda Zia on parole is his (Khandker Mahbub) personal opinion.
“We will not make any statement on his (Khandker Mahbub) opinion,” he said.  
 “Since Khaleda Zia has been detained in prison for more than four months, her sickness has turned severe and an apprehension has been created over her life. It is not possible to release her quickly from jail through legal process, as both the Appellate and High Court Divisions and the lower courts are now closed due to Eid-ul-Fitr holidays,” Advocate Khandker Mahbub said yesterday.
BNP Senior Joint-Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi said at a press conference at the party’s Nayapaltan central office yesterday again demanded she is shifted to United Hospital he said, “No more condition and delay; make arrangements for her admission to United Hospital as she prefers it. She would not take treatment at any place except that hospital,”
He said it is one’s right to take treatment from physicians he or she likes.
Rizvi also said that several members of the party’s Standing Committee will meet with the party chief in the jail on Eid day. They have already applied for this.
