Khaleda plans non-coop programme


Ehsanul Haque Jasim :BNP chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia is planning to go for ‘no-cooperation’ programme after waiting for some days, sources said. A reliable source said that Khaleda Zia won’t leave the Gulshan office as part of her strategy to continue the anti-government movement. BNP insiders said that Khaleda Zia wants to continue the on-going blockade for few more days, as she believes that the government at last in the face of the programme will be compelled to meet their demand of holding fresh election under a non-party government system. BNP vice chairman Begum Selima Rahman, who has been staying with Khaleda Zia at her Gulshan office since her confinement, on Thursday told The New Nation that the BNP chief is committed to continue the blockade programme. “The government will be forced to realise our demand in the face of harder programme,” she said. She did not clarify the type of the harsher programme. She, however, said that if required more harsher programme will come considering the situation. The BNP chief passed her 13th consecutive day in her office on Thursday. She has been confined since January 3 night. Having failed to come out of the office on January 5, she announced the on-going blockade programme for an indefinite period from January 6.
