Khaleda hints at dissolution of JCD bodies


Many influential leaders of the BNP fear loss of control over formation of the next Jatiyatabadi Chhatra Dal (JCD)’s central and the DU unit committees.
BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia hinted to dissolve the current committee of Jatiyatabadi Chhatra Dal (JCD) because the leaders of both the central and the DU unit leaders did not play
important role during the recent street movements, especially on December 29, sources said.
The top-level BNP leaders generally control the JCD with their favourite men in the highest posts. They also use the JCD men for their personnel interest. That is why a syndicate wants to form JCD committee. BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia has realised the reality after her party failed to intensify the anti-government movements.
She also has taken many initiatives to form new committee. As part of the initiatives, she summoned the JCD central and the DU unit leaders and she also conversed with the root-level leaders and activists of the organisation.
She sought help to form an effective committee from professional leaders. They agreed and pledged to help BNP Chairperson form a committee, which will mobilise strength in the Dhaka University and the street.
Khaleda Zia declared the central and the DU units on September 3, 2012. Abdul Quader Bhuiyan Jewel and Habibur Rashid Habib were made president and general secretary of central committee respectively while Mahidul Hasan Hiru and Masud as president and general secretary of DU unit respectively.
The present committee failed to restore the image and control the student politics in the country, particularly on the Dhaka University campus. A change is therefore urgent.
At the BNP’s Gulshan office, Khaleda Zia met the JCD leaders and activists. She discussed many aspects with them. She then decided to form a new committee for the DU unit soon. She also asked the DU unit leaders that they would stay until the new committee was formed.
Hasibur Rashid, a JCD worker, who took part in the meeting with Khaleda Zia told The New Nation that Khaleda Zia was said that the JCD leaders played suspicious role during the recent street movements. She wanted to form DU unit and its hall units committees with the regular students. She wanted to say goodbye to the JCD leaders whose age now above 35, he said.
