Khaleda decides not to cut birthday cake

Staff Reporter :
BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia has decided not to cut any cake in celebration of her birthday this year.
She asked the party leaders and activists not to cut cake this year due to the current crises-ridden situation of the country. She asked the party men to pray for her and the country instead of observing her birthday.
“The people of our country are passing their days with fear due to militant attacks. They (militants) pushed the country in uncertain condition. It is really a crisis moment for us. Many of our party men are in jail now. In this circumstance the party chief asks all not to celebrate her birthday,” said party
Secretarty General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Sunday.
BNP standing committee member Gayshwar Chandra Roy said, “As the people are passing a crisis moment with militant attacks and floods, our chairperson asked us not to cut cake in this situation.”
The BNP chief usually observes her birthday on August 15, which is also marked as the National Mourning Day. Khaleda Zia used to cut cake with senior leaders in her Gulshan party office at midnight past on August 14 every year.
Besides, the party men also cut cake at the party’s Nayapaltan office. BNP and front bodies’ leaders and activists are used to observe the occasion cheerfully every year.
The Awami League leaders sharply criticised BNP for this reason and repeatedly asked not to observe her birthday at on 15 August. The ruling party leaders and supporters said Khaleda Zia intentionally celebrates birthday on August 15 to malign the National Mourning Day as there are controversies over her actual date of birth.
The BNP chief’s press wing member Shairul Kabir Khan said Khaleda Zia gave instruction to the party men not to gather in front of her Gulshan office in the occasion.
The BNP first started observing Khaleda’s birthday with festivity on August 15, 1993 after the party came in power.