Khairul Majid elected President of Dhaka Club


City Desk :The Annual General Meeting and election of the Executive Committee of Dhaka Club Limited was held on Saturday in the Club Auditorium. Khairul Majid Mahmud was elected uncontested as the President of Dhaka Club for the year 2014-2015. This would be his 2nd tenure as the President. He is a member of Dhaka Club since 1997.Mahmud graduated from Black Hills State University, Business School, USA. He is a renowned industrialist and businessman of the country. He is the Managing Director of Caldwell Development Limited and is also involved in the IT Sector and International Trade. He is in partnership with Angelica Caldwell Japan/Bangladesh JV and IGT Caldwell Consortium. A 10-member Executive Committee was also elected and their names are given below: Syed Tasadeque Hossain (Jahangir), Shah Md. Zaheed Razzaque (Masum), Mrs. Nilufar Karim, Gazi Helal Uddin Ahmed, Ahmed Askari, A.J.M. Enamul Islam (Babul), W. Alamgir Bhuiyan, Nazim Uddin Ahmed, A.S.M. Ali Khabir Chand and M. A. Kashem.
