Kerry to discuss coop on global issues in Dhaka: US


US Secretary of State John Kerry will highlight the longstanding and broad US-Bangladesh relationship during his Dhaka visit on August 29.
Announcing the visit officially from Washington on Wednesday, Elizabeth Trudeau, Director, Office of Press Relations, said Secretary Kerry will meet government officials to discuss growing cooperation on global issues.
Trudeau said he will also focus on strengthening longstanding bilateral partnership on democracy, development, security and human rights. Kerry will travel to New Delhi, India, for meetings with senior Indian officials after completing Dhaka visit, according to US Department of State.
On August 30, the Secretary and US Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker will co-chair the second US-India Strategic and Commercial Dialogue (S&CD). Secretaries Kerry and Pritzker will be joined by their respective Indian co-chairs, Minister of External Affairs Sushma Swaraj and Minister of State for Commerce and Industry Nirmala Sitharaman, along with members of the US delegation and their Indian counterparts.
The S&CD is the signature mechanism for advancing the United States’ and India’s shared priorities of generating sustainable economic growth, creating jobs, improving the business and investment climate, enhancing livelihoods, and sustaining the rules-based global order.
