Kanakchapa publishing her new book


Entertainment Report :
Kanakchap is popularly known as a singer to all. Besides this identification, she is also known as a writer and a painter.
In 2016, her first solo art exhibition titled Dwidhar Dolachol created hype among the art lovers during that time. As a writer, she debuted by publishing a book titled Sthobir Jajabor published by Anonnya Prokashoni in 2010. Later, she also presented two books.
After a break of three years, Kanakchapa is going to publish a new book titled Kata Ghuri. To keep request from Abida Nasrin Koli, Kanakchapa has been writing memoir based write up for last two years in a news portal titled Pran-er Bangla. This book will be compilation of those writings. Anonnya Prokashoni will again publish her books.
While talking in this regard, Kanakchapa told this correspondent, “Every person steps forward with a vision. My parents are my vision and philosophy. Its reflections are found in my writings. I give thanks to Abida Nasrin Koli in this regard. Without her encourage I could not publish this book.”
Now Kanakchapa has been engaged with stage shows. Last month she gave her voice for a play-back song. Under the banner of Laser Vision her last solo album Podmopukur was released. Moinul Islam Khan composed its music.
