JU students block highway over torturing fellow


National Desk :

Jahangirnagar University students on Tuesday blocked the Dhaka-Aricha highway protesting the incident of beating up a fellow student by Ansar members at the national monument on Monday evening.
The protesters staged a human chain in front of the main gate of the university at about 11:30am and later took position on the highway, triggering long tailbacks on both sides of the highway for about half an hour.
They were also chanting slogans demanding the expulsion of the alleged Ansar members who beat up a fourth-year zoology department student Nur Hossain for protesting against ‘illegal’ visitor’s entry on the national memorial.
The protesters placed a four-point charter of demands including expulsion of accused Ansar members and bringing them to book, bearing the treatment costs of the victim, and taking steps regarding illegal visitor’s entry at the national monument.
The protesters later withdrew their position following the assurance of accommodating their demands by the officer-in-charge of Ashulia police station SM Kamruzzaman and University Acting Proctor ASM Firoz-ul-Hasan.
