JS passes Export Promotion Bureau Bill, 2015

BSS, Sangsad Bhaban :
The Jatiya Sangsad Wednesday unanimously passed the Export Promotion Bureau Bill, 2015 for continuing activities of the bureau to expand the country’s export basket.
Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed moved the bill in the House for its passage with a proposal of brining the activities of the bureau under a legal framework to consolidate and expand the export of the country.
The minister said the Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) was abolished with the passage of the Fifteenth Amendment to the constitution, but activities of the organization
were continuing after promulgation of an ordinance by the President on January 21, 2013.
On July 2015, the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Commerce Ministry placed the report on the bill under the Rule 211 of the Rules of Procedure of the House.
Earlier, the bill was introduced in the House on June 16, 2015.