JS body meet on Social Welfare Ministry held


Parliamentary Standing Committee on the Ministry of Social Welfare suggested the ministry taking initiatives to rehabilitate sex workers in the society meeting their basic needs.
The committee made the recommendation at its 15th meeting held at the Jatiya Sangsad Bhaban on Thursday with committee Chairman Rashed Khan Menon in the chair, said a press release.
Committee members Social Welfare Minister Nuruzzaman Ahmed, Sagufta Yasmin, Nasreen Jahan Ratna, Bodruddoza Md Farhad Hossain and Aroma Dutta joined the meeting.
The parliamentary watchdog constituted a sub-committee headed by standing committee member Aroma Dutta to formulate a complete report on the real scenario of the lifestyle of the sex workers after collecting factual data.
Besides, the ministry has been asked to take necessary steps to make the activities of NGOs working with sex workers more dynamic.
The committee also recommended the ministry take required measures to create employments for the children at Sarkari Shishu Paribars (State Children Homes) by providing technical and vocational education to them.
