Killers, war crimes: JS accepts plea to confiscate properties

Staff Reporter :
The Jatiya Sangshad (JS) on Thursday adopted a resolution confiscating the movable and immovable properties of convicted war criminals and killers of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman .
The House unanimously adopted in an amended form the proposal brought by a private member Begum Fazilatun Nesa Bappy with Deputy Speaker M Fazley Rabbi Miah in the chair.
Accepting the private member resolution, Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Anisul Huq, in his statement, said the government would confiscate all the moveable and immovable assets of the convicted killers of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and convicted of war criminals.
He told the parliament that a bill for enacting a new law will be placed at the parliament shortly to this end.
Anisul Huq said the bleeding of the Bangalee nation began with the killing of Bangabandhu on August 15 in 1975 and it is still continuing. No measures would be able remove the stigma that left on the nation with the killing of Bangabandhu.