Jews, Muslims clash at Al-Aqsa Mosque

AFP, Jerusalem :
Israeli police entered one of Islam’s holiest places — annexed east Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa mosque — on Sunday to tackle suspected Palestinian rioters, police said.
The compound, which is also revered by Jews, is one of the biggest flashpoints in the Middle East. Israel routinely imposes age restrictions on Muslim worshippers.
“Masked rioters fled into the mosque and started to throw stones and blocks at police from inside Al-Aqsa mosque,” police said.
“They threw fireworks directly at police,” they said.
“In light of the severe confrontation and the escalating actions of the rioters and with the aim of preventing further injury to police…forces entered a number of metres (yards) inside and closed the doors to the mosque with the rioters inside, restoring order.”
Sporadic clashes continued in the lanes and alleys of the Old City surrounding the mosque, with Palestinians throwing stones and bottles, lightly wounding four policemen, police said.
An AFP journalist said police responded with stun grenades.
At least three stone-throwers were arrested.