Jashore Boro farmers upset with blast attack in paddy fields


Our Correspondent :
Boro farmers’ dreams have been broken by the blast attack in their paddy field at Manirampur upazila of Jashore like other times. Many farmers have lost their hope due to blast in the field just before the ripening of paddy.
Maximum Farmers have affected in BRI-28 and Miniket rice. Their dream of filling the paddy field has faded. Even after applying various types of poisons, the farmers are not getting any remedy. They are being forced to cut raw paddy without getting anyway.
Farmers complained that no advice from the agriculture office was available at the moment. Field officials do not keep farmers informed.
Rohita, Sheikhpara and Raghunathpur fields of the upazila were visited and several fields were seen destroyed by the blast.
Besides, sporadic blast attacks have been reported in Kashimnagar, Debidaspur and other areas of the upazila. But unfortunately the Upazila Agriculture Office did not keep any news about the blast.
Azgar Ali of Rohita Sheikhpara village said, ‘I have cultivated BRI-28 on one bigha of land. The paddy has started to ripen. From 8-10 days ago, the sheaf of paddy is turning white.
Applying poison did not cure it. The yield of Bri-63 variety of paddy is 25 mounds per bigha. I doubt if there will be five mounds in my land. ‘
Azgar complained, ‘I never get the local agriculture officer’s help. Seeing the bad condition of the paddy, I ran to the pesticide shop.I bought some poison to the shopkeeper’s advice. But It doesn’t work. ‘
Abdul Ghaffar, a farmer from the same village, said, ‘I have planted 1.5 bigha miniket paddies.
At the moment of ripening, the insects are cutting from the bottom of the sheaf.
I sprayed. But it didn’t work. Finding no way, I have already cut ten kathas of paddy. Rahatullah a farmer of the Rohita village said that two bighas of my paddy land already destroyed by blast. He is also cutting paddy.
Besides, one bigha of Khorshed Alam of Sheikhpara village, one bigha of Monirul Islam, ten kathas of Saheb Ali, ten kathas of Haider Ali, ten kathas of Aminur Hossain,
Ten kathas of Khokon and 15 kathas of land of Mujibur Hossain of Mahmudkati village have been destroyed in the boro paddy blast. Meanwhile, a recent gust of wind over Manirampur has damaged the sheaf of boro paddy in different parts of the upazila.
According to the Upazila Agriculture Office, boro has been cultivated in 26,500 hectares of land in Manirampur upazila in this time.
Eight hectares of paddy land was destroyed by the hot weather. Besides, bumper crop of paddy has been harvested this time.
Rohita Union Agriculture Officer Tuhin Biswas said, “There are no blasts in my area this time. I am always on the field.
I give necessary advice to the farmers. If a farmer doesn’t report crop problems, it’s not my fault! ‘
Manirampur Upazila Agriculture Officer Abul Hasan is also demand that there is no blast. He said no blast attack was seen in Boro paddy anywhere in the upazila.
Scattered winds have dried up eight hectares of paddy fields.
At one stage, I went to Rohita Sheikhpara field addresses of the farmers and found the blast affected field. The officer said on a mobile phone from the scene,’I have spoken to the affected farmers.
Necessary steps will be taken to ensure that farmers do not suffer from crop diseases in future.
