Japan to take back bodies of its 7 nat’ls today


UNB, Dhaka :Japan will take back the bodies of its seven nationals, who were killed in the terrorist attack at Holey Artisan Bakery in Gulshan-2 area of the city, by Tuesday after completing all the formal procedures, said an official on Monday.Earlier, at 10:10pm on Sunday, a special aircraft, usually used by Japanese Prime Minister and royal families, arrived at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport carrying 18 relatives of seven Japanese victims.Among the seven Japanese victims, five are males and two females. Japanese Senior Vice Foreign Minister Seiji Kihara is coordinating the processes with the government of Bangladesh. The special Japanese aircraft is staying at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport to fly back to Tokyo with the bodies and their family members. A special aircraft from Rome also landed at the airport last night to take back the bodies of nine Italian citizens who were killed in the terrorist attack on Friday.
