GM Quader-Chairman: JaPa picks Raushan as leader of opposition


Staff Reporter :
Jatiya Party Secretary General Md Mashiur Rahman Ranga has declared that GM Quader will continue as the Chairman, while Raushan Ershad will be the opposition party leader in the parliament.
Ranga made the statement in a press conference at the party’s Banani office in Dhaka on Sunday.
He said, “Until the next party council on November 30, GM Quader will continue fulfilling his duty as the party Chairperson. This decision was made in accordance to the directives of the former Jatiya Party chairman HM Ershad, who nominated GM Quader as party Chairman.
“Meanwhile, Raushan Ershad will be the opposition leader in parliament and therefore, she will decide who is going to be the deputy leader and chief whip.”
Party Chairman GM Quader will decide the Jatiya Party candidate for the by-election in Rangpur-3 constituency, he said.
Representatives of the two factions met at a club in the city’s Bashundhara Residential Area on Saturday night to reach an understanding.
However, Raushan wanted Rahgir Al Mahi alias Saad Ershad, their eldest son, as a candidate for the Rangpur-3 by polls constituency. He said, the party senior leaders met on Saturday night to discuss party issues. Then, they arranged to brief the press to disclose the decision of that meeting. Ranga further said, “The party will remain united so that there are no chances of creating any fissions within the party. We have decided everything in the meeting last night.” On Saturday afternoon, GM Quader announced that the main political opposition in the parliament, the Jatiya Party, has decided to hold its National Council Meeting on November 30, 2019.
