Jalalabad Gas earn Tk 131Cr

Sylhet Correspondent :
In 2015-16 fiscal year Jalalabad Gas earned Tk. 131 Cr 30 lakh as profit. This information was presented in its 30th Annual General Meeting (AGM). It can be mentioned here that during this period the company sold 2708.651 million cubic meter gas and earned revenue of Tk. 131 Cr 30 lakh. Deducting the tax, the amount stands Tk 85 Cr 34 lakh.
 The AGM was held in a hotel in Dhaka. Petro-Bangla Chairman Istiak Ahmed and other share-holders and directors were present.
The meeting informed that in just over fiscal year 41.32 km distribution line has been built and number of new customer is 14,643.
