IUBAT observes HR Day


Campus Report :

The Placement Office of International University of Business Agriculture and Technology (IUBAT) organized HR Day-2015 on Saturday at the Permanent Campus of the university. The Heads of HR from sixty Multi-National organizations/companies participated in the program and they deeply appreciated the reorganization for HR professionals.
Prof Dr John Richards, Member of the IUBAT International Advisory Council and Professor of Public Policy at Simon Fraser University, Canada graced the ceremony as the Chief Guest.
Prof Dr M Alimullah Miyan, Vice-Chancellor and Founder, IUBAT University presided over the program.
Being a pioneering university in non-government sector of Bangladesh, IUBAT deeply recognizes the role of HR Professionals in capacity building, promoting organizational excellence and thereby improving performance of its economy. This role is hardly recognized elsewhere officially but the university has taken a firm initiative to recognize the roles of the HR Professionals every year starting through celebration of the HR Day. The participants stated that this Day should be celebrated at national and international levels.
The mission of the IUBAT University is human resources development and is interested to learn from the HR Professionals the needs and expectations of the 21st century market for different skill-sets to reflect the same while preparing the future graduates. Therefore the gathering duly recognized the roles of HR Professionals while exploring the needs and expectation of the 21st century market for human resources.
Biplob Kanti Das, Executive In-Charge of IUBAT Placement Office coordinated the program. The program was followed by a cultural gala and dinner party.
